Zero waste cleaning tools

Here’s something to think about: sponges are among the most essential household supplies that are destined for the landfill. They often come wrapped in or are made of plastic. They get really gnarly and stinky. They cannot be recycled or composted. For many years as an adult, I
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Before, DURING, and after

I know this sounds harsh and will rub many people the wrong way but it’s a truth: I hate before and after photos. Why? They are kind of boring and formulaic. They show someone is capable of cleaning up and making things look nice. Absent are context, process, and transformative
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FOMO’s awesome sibling

How to find joy? Marie Kondo’s books may hold the secret for some, but I’m happy to share one of my secret portals to this magical state of being. It begins with an afternoon like this: A picture-perfect Sunday with brilliant sunshine, warm air and a cool breeze. Throngs a
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Read Deb’s holiday decluttering tips in Natural Health Magazine

In Natural Health Magazine‘s November/December 2014 cover story, Pure Peace & Joy! (page 82), you can read my solutions for prepping and decluttering the home for your festivities along with plenty of other tips to help you fill the holiday season with what matters most.
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Unexpected thoughts on the label maker

Behold the mighty old school label maker! I found this little red beauty while helping a senior client organize a bookcase filled with office supply treats. Asking the usual questions when such a unique artifact appears, I learned that she neither uses it nor has tape for it, but she
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Earth Day Special: On Environmentally-Conscious Organizing

A famous amphibial puppet speaking of the color of his felt famously sang, “It’s not easy bein’ green; It seems you blend in with so many other ordinary things.” “Green” has seeped into so many things – far too many – that the word has been overused
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The gift of connection

The countdown to the year-end ritual of flocking to malls and online stores is upon us. Care to guess where you’ll find me? Dashing (as usual) in the opposite direction. When the holiday freneticism is unavoidable at every turn, there’s something wonderfully delightful and perhaps a l
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Consuming with eyes wide open

An internal dance of joy leapt within me when I read the following line in Green Washed: Why We Can’t Buy Our Way to a Green Planet by Kendra Pierre-Louis: While we need to be more conscious about what and how much we choose to consume, that consciousness is a starting point, not an e
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