GSD: An alternative productivity acronym

Me: What’s the hardest thing about tackling certain projects or items on your to-do list? (If you have a list, I think I know what you’re going to say.) You: Getting started. (If you don’t have a list, I think I know what you’re going to say.) You: I should probably have a
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Make room for what matters in 2017 in Cole Hardware’s Hardware Hotline

My relationships and collaborations with the folks of Cole Hardware are among the many non-thingy things that make me truly grateful. When I came to them with the idea to submit a piece about personal and collective empowerment for the beginning of the new year, they were more than th
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In times of change, there is always change

Change is a bloom full of possibility and a wide river of uncertainty. It is a giant question mark, though in the case of the photo to the left, a question mark spray-painted on a piece of cast-off concrete. Change often rings of uncertainty, and with uncertainty comes all sorts of po
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