ADHD is an often misunderstood disorder that, along with many other realities of daily life, can affect a person’s ability to get, be, and stay organized. Being diagnosed with and seeking help for ADHD can be an overwhelming process of trial and error.
As much as I read and attend conferences about the topic, my clients are my most reliable, open, and wise teachers. One such client who has blogged and tweeted about her first year after being diagnosed with a diagnosis of ADHD is helping many others along the way who see themselves reflected in her words and experience. This post is being shared with her permission.
I am honored to be part of her assembled team of experts who support and enable her to be the incredible person she is.
I hope this shines some rays of light in your own journey. You are not alone! If you want to know how we can work together to navigate you domain with ADHD in the passenger seat, I’m a phone call or email away!