Glimpse into my home office
As I’m sure you can relate, spending a lot of time indoors over the past year has led to unexpected home organizing and rearranging projects.
My own home office was not immune to such an activity.
I turned the desk 90º to face a different wall. Access to the window was an immediate result along with better lighting for virtual organizing sessions. The simple change led to a cascade of mini-projects. A purge and reorganization of the nearby closet was most notable.
Thank goodness I got into that closet when I did! Stashed in the rear was a set of wire shelves that had not been used in years. The wheeled unit now provides the perfect solution to date for resolving intermittent internet challenges during video calls! I can situate myself several feet away from the desk for better reception and easily adjust my position for natural or interior lighting depending on the time of day. It also added essential storage for the printer and scanner.
What, if any, work from home strategies do you need to refine?